Child's world is indeed a world full of colors and is a period that is crucial for the beginning of life. Childhood was like a sheet of blank white paper to clean .. .. ready to be filled with various colors ... black, white or rainbow colors that dot decorate each corner. Environment is one of the most influential factor for the development of our baby and we as parents are the people closest to them.
To train the intelligence of children, there is nothing better than teaching them to read. Introductory letters and numbers is critical to their brains. And in fact, teach your child to read can be started from a fairly early age, do not need to wait for them to be in school. The ability to read is very useful to the intelligence of their brains. And a kid who grew up with a sense of fun reading can be quicker in deepening their knowledge. Of course, teaching your child to read is not always easy. Therefore, below are some tips that can help you to teach your child to read.
You need to know that children do not learn to read using the eyes, but using his ears. Parents can help children to recognize letters by talking to them, read books and play games such as rhyme hearing. The more books you read to your child, the more vocabulary words that he mastered. Broader vocabulary will help identify the various kinds of words when he began reading.
From birth to age three, children listen to a variety of spoken words and began to learn to speak. Children aged three to four years began to expand their vocabulary and begin to "rhyme" or search for words that have the same final sound. When they started school, they will be taught how to unify the letters to form a word and menyuarakannya. They begin to learn to read simple sentences. A year two years later they will be able to read books that have a few chapters and read fluently with understanding.
Before they start school too, you can help prepare them to be read. Teach them the alphabet and the sounds of the alphabet. This is a prefix of fonik. Fonik is learning what letters and combinations of letters "say". Fonik is an important part of learning to read. When your child learn sounds of letters, taught to "unify" the letters to "ring" a new word. For example, letters a, p, e, l together will form a "sound" new word "apple". After that, teach short weeks to read a sentence that uses fonik. Slowly he would begin to be read word for word and sentence by sentence, and finally to understand fully.
When you read a book to your child, teach it to spell while you read the story. Choose words that are easy and short first and then after he mastered the easy words and short, you can begin to teach him to spell words that are longer. Do not read a story with a rush, but show every word and every letter to him so he began to remember and recognize each letter and word.

Reading is the ability to learn from your child early. And this ability when nurtured from an early age has many benefits to his intelligence. Children who like reading proved to be more intelligent and has a wide range of knowledge when he becomes an adult. Of course, to develop a sense of love to read, you must be an example for him. Taste like to read will grow if he often saw their parents reading the book in daily life. Make a clean white sheets that are still empty it with graffiti colorful and meaningful by placing us as good role models for our baby. Your good habits can help your baby become more intelligent, so why not start?
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Resources: How To Teach Reading: For Teachers, Parents, Tutors by Edward Fry and Journey Into Literacy: A Workbook for Parents and Teachers of Young Children by Barbara E.R. Swaby.